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101 Дискусії

 @ISIDEWITH Подано…1 год1H

Modi Secures Narrow Victory Amidst Voter Concerns Over Religious Rhetoric

 @ISIDEWITH Запитали…1 год1H

If you were in a position of leadership, how would you react to a neighboring country's expansionist aims, and what fact…

 @ISIDEWITH Запитали…1 год1H

How do you feel about the idea of expanding military alliances like NATO as a response to threats from other countries?

 @ISIDEWITH Запитали…1 год1H

Considering the financial cost of supporting a country in wartime mentioned by Biden, do you think it's worth it for a n…

 @ISIDEWITH Запитали…1 год1H

Do you believe that the strength of a country's alliances affects its security and the balance of power in international…

 @ISIDEWITH Запитали…1 год1H

How would you feel if another country expressed intentions to take over your own country, similar to what Biden claims a…

 @ISIDEWITH Подано…1 год1H

Biden Claims Russia Wants To Conquer Poland

 @ISIDEWITH Запитали…2 години2H

Would the idea of roads filled with self-driving cars make you feel more safe or more concerned about your safety?

 @ISIDEWITH Запитали…2 години2H

How much trust would you place in technology to make critical decisions during driving, compared to a human driver?

 @ISIDEWITH Запитали…2 години2H

If a self-driving car had an accident while you were a passenger, who do you believe should be held responsible?

 @ISIDEWITH Запитали…2 години2H

Do you think the convenience of autonomous cars is worth the potential risks and uncertainties involved?

 @ISIDEWITH Запитали…2 години2H

How would you feel about riding in a car that drives itself, knowing the technology is still in the testing phase?

 @ISIDEWITH Подано…2 години2H

World Central Kitchen's Heroic Effort: Over 50 Million Meals Delivered in Gaza

 @ISIDEWITH Подано…2 години2H

80th Anniversary of D-Day: Honoring the Turning Point of WWII

 @ISIDEWITH Подано…3 години3H

Brazil's $4 Million Cow: The New Face of Global Beef Ambitions

 @ISIDEWITH Подано…4 години4H

Biden Suggests Netanyahu May Be Extending Gaza Conflict for Political Gain

 @ISIDEWITH Подано…7 год7H

Israel Says 4 More Hostages Are Dead, Killed Months Ago in Gaza

 @ISIDEWITH Запитали…7 год7H

If expressing your thoughts online could lead to censorship or deletion, would you choose silence or defiance, and why?

 @ISIDEWITH Подано…7 год7H

Chinese internet collapses at accelerating pace

 @ISIDEWITH Подано…7 год7H

Ex-U.S. Soldier Extradited from Ukraine on Murder Charges

 @ISIDEWITH Подано…8 год8H

Байден відкинув «мирний саміт» Зеленського

 @ISIDEWITH Подано…8 год8H

Global Political Forums Spark Conversations on Governance and Safety

 @ISIDEWITH Подано…9 год9H

Jon Stewart Critiques Biden's Reaction and Media Coverage Following Trump's Conviction

 @ISIDEWITH Подано…10 годин10H

Global Skepticism Surrounds Swiss Summit on Ukraine Without Russia's Participation

 @ISIDEWITH Подано…10 годин10H

Trump Conviction Stirring Political Waters but Unlikely to Sway Florida Races

 @ISIDEWITH Подано…12 годин12H

Польща жорстко протидіє якійсь діяльності зі знищення, яка відбувається на користь Росії та Білорусі.

 @ISIDEWITH Подано…13 год13H

Trump's Conviction Sparks Controversy and Unconventional Reactions

 @ISIDEWITH Подано…14 годин14H

India Awaits Election Results: A Referendum on Modi's Decade in Power

 @ISIDEWITH Подано…15 год15H

Trump's Legal Troubles and GOP Reactions Dominate Headlines

 @ISIDEWITH Подано…19 год19H

Нью-Йорк готується обмежити алгоритми соціальних мереж для підлітків

 @ISIDEWITH Подано…19 год19H

Викиди нафти Байденом призводять до падіння цін

 @ISIDEWITH Запитали…19 год19H

Як може контроль за цінами на алкоголь вплинути на ваші вибори як споживача?

 @ISIDEWITH Подано…19 год19H

FTC готує позов через ціни на алкоголь

 @ISIDEWITH Подано…20 год20H

Хедж-фонди скидають китайські акції

 @ISIDEWITH Запитали…20 год20H

Is it ethical for a nation to pressure another to sway a third party in conflict negotiations?

 @ISIDEWITH Подано…20 год20H

Байден закликає Катар тиснути на Гамас для прийняття пропозиції про припинення вогню.

 @ISIDEWITH Запитали…20 год20H

Would you vote for a candidate who is accused of accepting bribes, if you agreed with their policies and beliefs?

 @ISIDEWITH Запитали…20 год20H

Should the public wait for a legal verdict before judging a political figure's guilt or innocence in such cases?

 @ISIDEWITH Запитали…20 год20H

How much do personal ethics matter to you when deciding whether to support a political candidate?

 @ISIDEWITH Запитали…20 год20H

What are your thoughts on a politician running as an Independent after facing allegations that might tarnish their party…

 @ISIDEWITH Запитали…20 год20H

Do you think someone on trial for serious crimes should be allowed to run for public office, and why?

 @ISIDEWITH Подано…23 години23H

Dalai Lama to Undergo Knee Treatment in the US

 @ISIDEWITH Подано…24 години24H

Palestinians Seek to Join South Africa in UN Genocide Case Against Israel