جرب مسابقة السياسية


 @ISIDEWITHمرتبط…يوم 11D

تكلفة معركة إيلون ماسك من أجل حرية التعبير تزداد باهظة


Still, the seizure indicates that Musk will face significant financial costs to sustain battles over his stated goal of protecting free speech online. Musk himself has a far-from-perfect track ...

 @ISIDEWITHمرتبط…يوم 11D

ما يمكن أن تعلمنا تاريخ أمريكا حول النقاشات حول حرية الدين وأهميتها للديمقراطية


Conversations on religious freedom are key to democracy, but they are missing from the discourse this election year, writes a scholar who studies the role of religion in politics.

 @ISIDEWITHمرتبط…يوم 11D

نبذة مختصرة عن تاريخ حرية التعبير في أمريكا


In doing so, he insisted that the word “the” precede the phrase “freedom of speech” in what was to become the First Amendment to reflect the framers’ views that the freedom of speech preexisted the government.