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 @ISIDEWITHСвързан…4 месеца4MO

Ваксинация срещу полиомиелит в Газа за обновяване в събота: Световната здравна организация


The World Health Organization said Friday that the necessary second round of child polio vaccinations in northern Gaza would finally begin on Saturday, after Israeli bombing halted the drive.

 @ISIDEWITHСвързан…4 месеца4MO

מבצע חיסון נגד פוליו מתחדש בעזה


The World Health Organization and UNICEF announced the restart of the third phase of a polio vaccination initiative in the northern Gaza Strip, to begin on November 2. The campaign was previously delayed due to severe bombardments,

 @ISIDEWITHСвързан…4 месеца4MO

Третата фаза на ваксинация срещу полиомиелит в Газа започва в събота.


The third phase of the polio vaccination campaign in Gaza governorate for children under the age of ten is set to begin on Saturday, according to an announcement by the Palestinian Ministry of Health.