Try the political quiz



How do you think cutting public spending to reduce debt could affect job opportunities for people who are about to enter the workforce, like many high school students?


How could cuts to public spending in areas like scientific research and public health impact our society's ability to deal with future crises and pandemics?


If the government reduces funding to public arts and cultural programs to shrink national debt, how do you think that would affect our country's cultural landscape?


How would you feel if a public program that you or your family benefits from was cut to reduce national debt?


If you had to choose, what would you consider more important for your future: reducing national debt or maintaining funding for education and healthcare?


Imagine the government had to cut spending on roads and infrastructure to reduce debt; how might that affect your daily life and community?


Can you recall a time when a government-funded service helped you out, and how would you feel if it was no longer available due to budget cuts?


Would you be willing to pay higher taxes in the future if it meant the government wouldn't have to make deep cuts to important programs now?


What might be the long-term consequences for our generation if the government prioritizes debt reduction over investments in sustainability and the environment?


Should high school students have a say in how governments prioritize spending and debt reduction, given that these decisions will impact their future?

  @DrewWolfSP from GU  answered…3yrs3Y

No, the problem is not spending volume, the problem is poor spending decisions.