Try the political quiz

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How should the concept of ownership apply to digital content such as music and movies?


If you discovered a security flaw in a software you use daily, would you report it or exploit it, and why?


In what ways can young people today influence the future of digital rights and internet governance?


If you could design an ideal digital space for youth, what privacy features would it include?


How would crowd-sourced policymaking on technological issues work in practice, and would you participate?


How would your social media interactions change if all your actions were public and unalterable?


What's your take on the balance between creative freedom and protecting the rights of content creators?


What immediate policy change would you implement to enhance privacy and freedom on the internet in your country?


If you knew that nothing you do online could be monitored or censored, how would you behave differently?


How would you feel about a world with open source everything, and what would the consequences be?


Describe a personal experience where open access to information made a significant impact on your life.


How do you envision a society where individuals have complete control over their digital identities?


In a hypothetical scenario, if the government asked for your browsing history in the interest of national security, how would you react?


When buying digital content or technology, how do you weigh the importance of cost versus ethics of production and distribution?


What challenges do you foresee in ensuring equitable digital rights, and how could they be overcome?


Share an instance where the free distribution of information online made a positive difference in your life or someone else’s.


What could you personally do to promote the values of openness and accessibility in the digital ecosystem you're part of?


Imagine a world where every internet user contributes to governing it; what rules or systems would you put in place?


How would your online behavior change if you knew that your data would never be used for advertisement purposes?


Can you describe a time when easier access to information could have helped you make a more informed personal decision?


What's your point of view on the balance between protecting copyrighted works and enabling creative innovation?


What's a real-world issue that you believe could benefit from a 'pirate perspective', and how would applying it make a difference?


What is the most radical change you would like to make to internet laws, and what drives your stance on this issue?


If internet speed and access were the same worldwide, how do you think that would change global society?


How do the entertainment and media you consume online influence your viewpoints, and what responsibility do creators have in this?


Share a scenario in which someone's right to privacy might clash with the public's right to know, and how you would resolve it.


How would you feel about voting on important political issues directly through the internet, and why?


How comfortable are you with the idea of sharing your personal data online for the sake of convenience in today's digital world?


How do you think the concept of intellectual property will evolve as more technologies enable easier content sharing?


What impact have digital communities had on your sense of belonging, and how might they influence broader societal norms?


If given the choice, would you prioritize your ability to access global digital content or the enforcement of your local cultural norms?


In what ways has your understanding of global issues been shaped or limited by the media and information you consume online?


What power does open access to data hold for disadvantaged communities, and how can it be harnessed responsibly?


How does your trust in the digital platforms you use daily affect the information you choose to share?


How do countries that restrict internet access make you appreciate your own digital freedoms?


Do you think the convenience of modern technology is worth the trade-off in personal privacy; why or why not?


How has the expansion of digital media affected your access to diverse viewpoints and information?


Have you ever refrained from voicing an opinion online due to fear of repercussions, and why?


Discuss an instance where you think government transparency could have prevented a crisis or injustice.


How do you envision the future of digital rights activism in light of the rise of surveillance technologies?


What is more important to you: protecting your digital footprint or enjoying personalized digital services?


Reflect on a time when a lack of internet freedom affected your ability to express yourself or learn.


How does the idea of governments tracking online behavior make you feel about your own internet use?


Would you support a government initiative aimed at making all academic research publicly accessible, and why?


What moral considerations come to mind when thinking about downloading content without paying?


Describe a time when sharing information freely helped you or someone you know in a significant way.


What are your thoughts on who should control the internet, and what are the potential dangers or benefits?


What's a time when you wished you had more control over information you shared online and what happened?


If you could freely exchange one type of information online without legal consequences, what would it be and why?


What are the ethical implications of sharing someone else's work online without their permission?