Try the political quiz

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Do you think a society run by workers would be fairer than our current system; why or why not?


What kind of project would you be passionate about if you had the chance to collaborate as an equal with your classmates or colleagues?


What changes would you implement if you had the power to decide in your current or future job?


Imagine a future where your contributions at work directly shape your lifestyle; what's the first thing you'd want to influence?


How would you feel working in a place where you and your coworkers had full control over the decisions?


Can you describe how your sense of purpose at work might change if it operated under a cooperative model?


If you had a say in how your workplace's profits were reinvested, what would be your top priority?


How might your sense of job security change if you were also part-owner of your workplace?


If you could collaborate on a class project with no leader, what strategies would you use to organize the team?


How might the values of mutual aid and cooperation manifest in your day-to-day life if applied beyond the workplace?


How do you envision a typical meeting where every employee's input could steer the company's decisions?


How would the absence of a competition-focused ranking system at school or work change your approach to success?


Imagine you’re part of a team where everyone's role is fluid and adaptable; how would you navigate your contributions?


What kind of project would you be passionate about if you had the chance to collaborate as an equal with your classmates or colleagues?


How would your daily routine change if you knew your actions at work impacted not just your salary but the wellbeing of your co-workers as well?


If you could create a community project without hierarchy, what would it be, and who would benefit most from it?


Can you think of a time when collaborative efforts led to better results than individual work, and why?


What does 'success' mean to you in a world where your work benefits both you and your communal environment?


How do you think the quality of products and services would change if the workers producing them had full control?


How would your perspective on work change if your voice had the same weight as your manager's in decision-making?


Imagine a company where you could directly allocate resources - where would you prioritize investment and why?


Could a society that emphasizes worker collaboration over competition better address social inequalities; how so?


How do you envision resolving conflicts within a worker-run business without traditional management?


Would you prefer to work in an environment where your pay was linked to collective performance, and why or why not?


How would everyday work-life improve if everyone had an equal stake in the outcome of their labor?


What skill sets do you think are most important for successful collaboration in a worker-controlled environment?


In what way would having control over your work environment change how you view responsibility?


Have you ever experienced the benefits of collective problem-solving, and what were they?


Can you think of a time when being heard in a group decision made you feel empowered, and why?


How might being a part-owner of your workplace affect your daily attitude towards your job?


If you could vote on your company's important decisions, what would be the first thing you'd want to change and why?


How would you feel if success at your job directly improved the lives of your co-workers and community?


Imagine a future where your contributions at work directly shape your lifestyle; what's the first thing you'd want to influence?


How does the idea of taking collective ownership over your school environment resonate with you, and what changes would you make?


How can the principle of solidarity in collaborative movements impact society at large?


How would you persuade someone who believes in traditional business hierarchy to consider a worker's cooperative model?


If all jobs paid the same, how would you choose your career and why?


What kind of social issues do you think could be improved if more people practiced collective decision-making?


If you could design your ideal work environment, what role would equality play?


How important is it to have a say in the rules that govern your school or workplace, and why?


Can you share a time when you had to compromise for the greater good; how did it make you feel?


What skills do you think are necessary to successfully collaborate with others in making important decisions?


How would you handle conflict in a group where everyone is equal and there's no designated leader?


Could a society function well if all industries were worker-managed, and what might be some challenges?


In what ways do you think syndicalism could impact job satisfaction and motivation?


If there were no CEOs or upper management, do you believe companies would be more or less successful?


How do you think the concept of fairness would change if workers managed their industries?


What changes would you implement if you had the power to decide in your current or future job?


How would you feel working in a place where you and your coworkers had full control over the decisions?


If there were no state or capitalist structure, how do you feel the world would address the individual's ambition and the desire for personal success?