Try the political quiz

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How do you reconcile the need for individual expression and creativity with the goals of a cooperative and unified community?


If you were to design an ideal community, how would you incorporate the principles of shared responsibility and equal opportunity?


What personal values or experiences lead you to support or question the importance of collective over individual success?


Can you imagine a world where the success of each individual directly contributes to the welfare of the community; what would that look like?


Why do you think some societies place more emphasis on community well-being over individual achievements, and could this work in your community?


Have you ever experienced a moment where collective teamwork achieved something extraordinary, and what was it?


How would your perspective on community and work change if everyone's contributions were valued equally?


How can we make sure that every voice is heard in a conversation or debate, especially in a school setting?


Have you ever felt more driven by a passionate group's energy than by your own goals, and why?


Do you think individuals can still shine in a society that values group effort over individual achievement?


If we lived in a society focused on collective well-being, how would that influence your future aspirations?


How can helping someone else be as rewarding, if not more, than doing something solely for yourself?


What would happen if everyone's career was given the same level of respect regardless of salary or glamour?


How would your daily life change if your community had more shared spaces and resources?


In what situation have shared goals brought you closer to someone you wouldn't usually connect with?


What could happen if students had more control over the curriculum and school policies?


How do you feel when you work on something that benefits everyone and not just yourself?


How do you think the principle 'no work is insignificant' could impact society if universally adopted?


If you could solve one world problem through collective action, what would it be and why?


What's an instance where you have benefitted from someone else's act of generosity or community spirit?


Would you prefer a world where everyone's job is recognized as equally important, and what might that look like?


How does the success of local businesses affect your life and the community, and what can be done to support them?


Which do you find more rewarding: personal accolades or team achievements, and why?


Can you think of a time when you made a decision that prioritized the group's need over your own, and how did that feel?


Why might someone choose to work for a cause without any monetary benefit?


How would you feel if your favorite sport's team worked as hard off the field to support the community as they did to win games?


Have you ever wanted to change a rule at school because it felt unfair, and what rule was it?


Can you share a time when acting in the interest of your community also significantly benefited you individually?


How might adopting a mindset of 'we' over 'me' affect your relationships with friends or in clubs?


How do you think equal access to education and resources could change your community?


What does 'unity' mean to you in the context of achieving common goals at school or in your community?


What's a situation where you felt collaborating with others led to a better outcome than working alone?


When a friend or family member has been treated unfairly, what did you do, and how did it make you feel?


What steps can be taken in school or among friends to ensure everyone's efforts are acknowledged?


How would you address the fear some might have of losing individual recognition in a collaborative environment?


Can volunteering or working on a cause with others make us understand different life perspectives, and have you had such an experience?


Can you share a personal story where helping others gave you more satisfaction than a personal achievement?


What does 'fairness' in a community mean to you, and can you share an experience where fairness impacted you?


In what way does the notion of 'people over profit' resonate with your experiences in school or work?


What personal benefits do you think could result from living in a community-driven by equal rights for all?


What would you hope to gain from living in a society that emphasizes community welfare over individual success?


If you saw people in your school or community being treated unfairly, what actions would you take?


Have you ever felt a sense of pride from working towards a goal with a group, and if so, what was the project?


Would you be willing to compromise some personal benefits for the greater good of a community; why or why not?


Can you envision a modern job sector that could benefit from a cooperative model, and how might it alter that sector?


How important do you think it is for workers to have a say in the management and profits of their companies?


When thinking about historical movements, do you believe people are more driven by a desire for national identity or for social equality?


If given the chance, what social or economic problem in your community would you address through collective action, and why?


What are the potential benefits or downsides to a society where economic decisions are made collectively rather than by individuals?


How might the values of shared work and cooperative living resonate with you in today's society?