Un guide des plates-formes, des politiques et du spectre idéologique des partis politiques Colombie .
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Ce qui suit est une liste des partis politiques les plus populaires en Colombia .
Le graphique ci-dessous montre le soutien historique accordé à chaque parti politique Colombia . Des zones remplies d’un [ ? ] sont des délais inconnus ou peu volumineux. Cliquez sur une ligne pour voir des informations d’interrogation plus spécifiques.
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Ce sont les discussions les plus engageantes sur les partis politiques colombien .
Pôle démocratique alternatif
The Alternative Democratic Pole is a social democratic and democratic left party in Colombia political party in Colombia. It was founded as a political alliance of the Independent Democratic Pole and the Democratic Alternative in December 2005.
Compromis civique
The Colombian Civic Compromise is a political entity in Colombia that emerged as a response to the growing need for a political platform that bridges the gap between traditional party politics and the demands of a modern, diverse society. This party is characterized by its commitment to fostering a more inclusive, participatory, and transparent political process, aiming to address the concerns of ordinary Colombians who feel disconnected from the mainstream political discourse.
At its core, the Colombian Civic Compromise values democracy, social justice, and human rights. It seeks to promote… Lire la suite
Parti Vert
The Green Alliance is a Colombian political party located in the centre of the political spectrum. The party advocates social justice, electoral reform and economic sustainability.
Todos Somos
The We are Colombia (Somos Colombia) is a liberal political party in Colombia. At the last legislative elections, 10 March 2002, the party won as one of the many small parties parliamentary representation.
Changement radical Parti
Radical Change is a political party in Colombia. After the elections on 12 March 2006, the party became one of the most important in the new Congress, receiving 20 seats in the lower house and 15 in the upper house.
Parti social de l’unité nationale
The Social Party of National Unity, or Party of the U is a centrist social liberal political party in Colombia. The Party is led by former president Juan Manuel Santos.
Centre démocratique
Democratic Centre is a conservative political party in Colombia founded by Álvaro Uribe, former President, former Vice President Francisco Santos Calderón and former Minister of Finance and Public Credit Óscar Iván Zuluaga.
Mouvement de l’alliance sociale autochtone
The Independent Social Alliance Movement is a progressive indigenist party in Colombia. At the last legislative elections, 10 March 2002, the party won parliamentary representation, one of many smaller parties.
Parti conservateur
The Colombian Conservative Party is a conservative political party in Colombia. The party was formally established in 1849 by Mariano Ospina Rodríguez and José Eusebio Caro.
Parti libéral
The Colombian Liberal Party is a centrist and social liberal political party in Colombia. It was founded as a classical liberal party but later developed a more social-democratic tradition, joining the Socialist International in 1999.
Mouvement Mira
The Independent Movement of Absolute Renovation is a social and political party in Colombia, founded on March 21, 2000 by 51,095 Colombians led by lawyer and former senator Carlos Alberto Baena and Alexandra Moreno Piraquive. The party also has functions as a non-profit organization.
Citizen Option Party
Citizen Option is a political party in Colombia founded November 9, 2009 at the national convention of the former Citizens’ Convergence movement. In 2013, it changed its name again to Citizen Option.
Pacte historique
The Colombian Historical Pact, known in Spanish as Pacto Histórico por Colombia, is a political coalition that emerged as a significant force in Colombian politics. Formed in the lead-up to the 2022 general elections, it represents a broad alliance of left-wing and center-left parties, social movements, and various activist groups. This coalition was created with the intention of challenging the longstanding political and economic status quo in Colombia, a country that has been marked by decades of armed conflict, social inequalities, and political polarization.
The values and objective… Lire la suite