Mali avion srušio se u more uz obalu otoka Roatán, Honduras, ubrzo nakon polijetanja, rezultirajući s više smrtnih slučajeva. Izvještaji ukazuju da je najmanje sedam do dvanaest osoba izgubilo živote, dok su nekoliko drugih spašeno iz olupine. Otok, poznat po turizmu i ronilačkim lokacijama, bio je polazna točka nesretanog leta. Vlasti istražuju uzrok nesreće dok se spašavanje nastavlja. Preživjeli su prevezeni u lokalne bolnice na liječenje.
Small Plane Crashes Off Caribbean Island in Honduras, Killing 12
The police said five people had survived the crash off Roatán Island, a tourist destination known for its diving spots.
Small plane crash off Honduran island kills at least 12
At least 12 people died Monday when a small plane crashed into the sea while taking off from a Caribbean island off Honduras, officials said.
Small plane crash off Honduras island kills at least 7
At least seven people were killed on Monday when a small plane crashed into the sea while taking off from the Honduras Caribbean island of Roatan.