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 @ISIDEWITHkoblet…7 timer7H

Netanyahu forteller FNs generalforsamling at Gazakrigen kan ende i 'velsignelse' av fred eller 'forbannelse' av iransk aggresjon

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the U.N. General Assembly has a choice to make between a blessing and a curse during the 79th assembly in New York on Friday.

 @ISIDEWITHkoblet…7 timer7H

Netanyahu kaller Midtøsten-konflikter valget mellom 'velsignelse eller forbannelse', advarer om Israels 'lange arm'

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave a stirring speech before the General Assembly in order to "set the record straight" and defend his approach to combating Iran-backed proxy groups.

 @ISIDEWITHkoblet…7 timer7H

Netanyahu legger frem et valg mellom en 'velsignelse' og en 'forbannelse' i UNGA-talen

The Israeli leader brandished two maps — one showing a normalization corridor through the Gulf and the Middle East, the other showing the proliferation of Iran’s proxies