
175 Replies


Do you agree that a person's faith should influence their political actions, and why or why not?


Would Catholic moral teachings on issues like abortion and marriage benefit or harm society as a whole?


If empathy was the main criterion for policy-making, what would be the first law you'd want to see changed or introduced?


What could be possible pros and cons of having politicians who strongly adhere to their religious convictions?


How might a commitment to 'the least of these' manifest in national policies?


If we embraced the concept of 'global solidarity,' how would that affect trade policies?


What would laws promoting family stability and welfare look like, and how would they function?


Should the pursuit of justice ever be tempered by mercy, and how could this be reflected in laws?


How might the idea of 'love in action' translate into community-building initiatives?


In what ways should the voices of the marginalized influence policy-making?


When faced with a decision, how do you balance self-interest and the interests of the community?


What policies would you support to ensure the environment is preserved for future generations?


What does 'being a good neighbor' mean in the context of international relations?


In what ways do your personal values align with or differ from advocating for the vulnerable in society?


How would you prioritize societal concerns if inspired by a principle of 'the common good'?


What's your vision for incorporating values of 'community and participation' in urban planning and development?


How might the notion of a 'global common good' influence immigration policies?


How would you describe the impact of community-oriented values on modern business practices?


If 'caring for God's creation' became a policy priority, which environmental issues should be addressed first?


When have you felt that moral courage was necessary in confronting a societal issue?


What personal experience has most shaped your view on the intersection of faith and governance?


If empathy was the main criterion for policy-making, what would be the first law you'd want to see changed or introduced?


Could principles of inclusivity and respect from religious teachings improve modern education systems?


If leadership decisions were informed by contemplation and reflection, how might that change the political landscape?


How do you feel about the idea that laws should support not just individuals, but entire communities?


Can the notion of 'the common good' be reconciled with the concept of a free market economy?


How would the inclusion of respect for creation affect urban development and city planning?


If the goal of policies was to bolster family unity, what might be the first steps?


Can the ideal of 'faith in action' translate to better community service programs?


If tolerance is a virtue, how should it be reflected in immigration laws?


How should a community govern itself to reflect a balance between individual freedoms and communal responsibilities?


Would you support a society structured around collective well-being—what might it look like?


How can the values of charity and generosity impact tax policies?


Do you think a society's strength is enhanced or weakened by policies grounded in a common belief system?


How would your ideal government tackle issues with both practical and compassionate strategies?


What are your thoughts on the application of moral courage in political leadership?


If empathy and compassion were the basis of all policies, how might that change governance?


How does your cultural or religious background influence your stance on healthcare reform?


How might a commitment to 'the least of these' manifest in national policies?


What values are most important to you in a political candidate, religious or otherwise?


How do your personal experiences influence your opinion on the mix of religion and politics?


If compassion became the main focus of legislation, what changes would we see in our community?


Imagine a political issue you feel passionate about; now, how would you argue your stance based on both secular and Catholic values?


Can you envision a society where moral decisions are made collectively rather than individually, and what would that look like?


What could be possible pros and cons of having politicians who strongly adhere to their religious convictions?


How could the principle of 'love thy neighbor' translate into actual laws or social programs?


Do you agree that a person's faith should influence their political actions, and why or why not?


How might schools and workplaces be different if they were influenced more by Catholic teachings?


If you could advocate for one social issue that aligns with your beliefs, what would it be and why?


Is it possible for Catholic-influenced political policies to remain inclusive and respectful of all citizens' rights?