
218 Replies


In a world where companies cannot own any media outlets, how do you think news and information would differ from today?


If lobbying by corporations was entirely banned, how do you think this would influence the laws that are passed?


What immediate changes would you notice in your community if small businesses received the same benefits as larger corporations?


How would the dynamics of social media engagement shift if platforms prioritized user well-being over profit?


If major corporations played no role in education funding, how would this impact the quality or focus of your school's programs?


How would the art and cultural scene in cities look if large corporations didn't fund museums or cultural events?


Would your approach to social media and online shopping change if corporations were more restricted in using personal data?


How would the balance of power in your community change if local businesses had as much influence as large corporations?


If all companies were required to reinvest profits into the community, what changes might you see in your city or town?


How would you use social media differently if you knew that your data wasn’t being monetized?


Imagine a world where every purchasing decision is made by considering the social impact—how would that world look to you?


What if the apps you use started emphasizing user privacy over revenue - how might your usage change?


How would you feel if employee-owned businesses were the norm and not the exception?


Describe how you would participate in the economy if all businesses operated as non-profits.


If a corporation polluted your local environment, how would that affect your loyalty to their products?


What personal actions might you take if you knew a company was negatively impacting your community?


How do you feel when you realize your favorite product is made by a corporation with questionable practices?


What factors would influence your decision to buy a product if corporate profit motives were no longer a driving force in their marketing strategies?


If there were more public spaces free from corporate influence, how would you utilize these spaces differently than commercialized areas?


How might the dynamic between customers and businesses change if corporate advertisement was heavily regulated or banned?


What would be the potential benefits and drawbacks of a shopping district composed exclusively of independent stores?


Imagine access to the internet was treated as a public utility rather than a commercial service; how would this affect your online behavior?


How might the availability of public services, like parks or libraries, be affected in the absence of corporate grants and donations?


In what ways would the quality of life in cities change if urban planning was purely community-driven, without corporate involvement?


How would your approach to online privacy shift if social platforms weren't run by large corporations?


If corporations couldn’t donate to charities, how do you think that would affect the causes you care about?


How would your daily choices be impacted if all products were sold without any brand names or logos?


How would the process of scientific research be altered if corporations could not fund or control studies?


If 'buy one, get one free' deals were banned to reduce corporate influence on your buying habits, how would your shopping change?


What ways do you think communities could benefit from healthcare decisions without corporate influence?


Would you support a campaign for reducing corporate power if it could increase consumer prices, and why?


How do you perceive the relationship between public health and corporate influence in the pharmaceutical industry?


If companies weren't allowed to invest in schools, how would education be different for you or your friends?


Would you feel more or less secure in your job if corporations didn’t have significant legal protection?


What would you envision for the future of artificial intelligence if it weren't largely developed by profit-driven corporations?


If corporate lobbying was eliminated, how do you think that would change the priorities of government officials?


What opportunities for new businesses can you imagine if large corporations had less power in the economy?


If corporations are restricted from owning properties, how do you believe this would change the housing market?


Could small businesses thrive better without the influence of multinational corporations in the marketplace, and how?


How do activism and social causes become different when companies are not allowed to have a say?


If you were to start a business, would you prioritize ethical practices over high profits, and why?


If a corporation prioritized environmental sustainability over profits, how much more would you be willing to pay for their products?


What if smartphones were only produced by non-profit organizations, do you think this would change how we use or value them?


What if your community was in charge of the local water supply instead of a private corporation; how would that change how water is valued?


Do you think gig economy workers should receive the same protections and benefits as employees in traditional companies, and why?


In an ideal world, how much influence do you think companies should have on our dietary choices and food culture?


Imagine if major tech companies couldn't use your data, how do you think your online experience would change?


Can you describe a personal experience where a company's customer service either won your loyalty or pushed you away?


Imagine a world where businesses couldn't donate to political candidates; how do you think this would impact voter power?


Have you ever considered the ethical implications of buying from a large corporation versus a local business, and what guides your decision?