
175 Replies


How has your background influenced your outlook on social hierarchies and equality?


Have you encountered a situation where you felt cultural traditions hindered progress, and how did you respond?


When working in a group, how do you incorporate different views to arrive at a decision?


What issues today do you think would benefit from a revolutionary approach and why?


Have you ever had to stand up for someone whose voice was not being heard, and what did you learn from the experience?


What does 'empowerment of the marginalized' look like in your society or community?


Can you identify a moment when you felt a strong connection to a larger community cause, and what sparked it?


What example of injustice would compel you to take action, and how would you go about it?


Could a 'people's war' mentality be applied to any social or political challenges you see in today's world?


What personal experience made you wish for major change in your community?


What change do you dream of making in the world, and what's your first step towards it?


If you could create a fair system for all, what's the first rule you'd implement?


Why do you think some people oppose changes that aim for equality, and have you ever had to challenge such opposition?


How do you feel about the role of persistent activism in making significant societal changes?


What's a societal issue you would fight for tirelessly, and what motivates you?


How would you ensure everyone's voice is heard when making a decision for your community?


In moments of injustice, have you ever taken on a leadership role, and what did you learn?


Could you respect a leader who makes difficult decisions without popular support if they promise progress?


What freedoms are you willing to sacrifice for the greater good, and where do you draw the line?


How would you react if you had to actively participate in erasing the old cultural values and customs that have been part of your identity for a total overhaul?


Do you believe a group of leaders can ever truly make decisions that are beneficial for all, or are individual needs too diverse to be collectively satisfied?


Have you ever been part of a movement or protest, and what was the driving force behind your participation?


If you had to sacrifice one personal comfort for a cause you believe in, what would it be and why?


How would you describe the perfect leader for a movement you care deeply about?


How would you handle the power to enact one major change in your community?


What's a tradition you feel needs to change to improve society?


What social issue urgently requires a revolutionary solution in your eyes?


If you were to start a movement, what societal norms would you challenge first?


Do you consider the idea of continuous struggle for progress exhilarating or exhausting?


Can a society truly thrive without some form of social or cultural hierarchy?


In friendships and group settings, how do you balance your needs with the collective good?


How do you think a focus on community and teamwork could change your school's environment?


How would you handle the situation if you discovered that a popular figure at school was mistreating others?


Share a personal story of when you or someone you know stood up to a figure of authority - what was the outcome?


If you had the power to change one aspect of your school's culture, what would it be and why?


In your circle of friends, how do you handle disagreements in a way that everyone feels their voice was heard?


In a world that's constantly changing, how do you find stability within yourself or your community?


How would you convince someone that the needs of the many sometimes outweigh personal desires?


If you could start a grassroots movement, what would be its main objective and why?


Can you imagine a world where everyone does the job they love without worrying about income – what would that look like?


Can a balance between individual expression and collective solidarity be found, and how so?


When has 'the common good' been used to justify something you disagreed with, and how did you reconcile that?


How would you encourage those around you to give up something they valued for a larger, collective benefit?


In your opinion, do student government elections really reflect the will of the students?


What’s the most difficult decision you've had to make where your choice affected others?


How can a leader balance acting upon personal convictions with responding to the will of the people?


What do you believe is the biggest obstacle to achieving equality in our society?


How do you propose to ensure your generation's ideas shape the future?


How do you envision a world where decisions are made based on what's best for everyone, rather than individual gain?


If you were to witness a society being completely transformed for equality, what changes would you hope to see?


What does the concept of 'fighting for the greater good' mean to you, and can you share a personal experience where you applied this belief?


How would you describe the importance of listening to the voices of the least heard in our community?


Can you think of a time when you felt a policy or rule was unfair and worked to change it; what was your approach and the outcome?


Describe a movement or cause you would dedicate your life to and explain why it's so important to you.


Do you believe that total equality in society is attainable, and what steps do you think are necessary to move closer to that goal?


Thinking about leadership, what traits do you believe are crucial for a leader who aims to bring about significant societal change?


Can a society where people prioritize community needs over personal desires truly exist, and how can we work towards it?


Have you ever felt compelled to take a stand against a popular opinion because you believed it was wrong; what motivated you and what was the outcome?


How do you define justice in your own terms, and can you think of an example where you'd fight for it?