Try the political quiz

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How do you feel about the balance between progress in technology and preserving traditional social structures?


If you were to initiate a social movement, what would be your first step and why?


How would you personally respond if you felt a social change was necessary but risky?


What changes would you like to see in the current educational or political system that would reflect collective interests?


What does leadership look like in a group where you've felt particularly proud to belong?


Have you or someone you know been a catalyst for change in your community—what sparked it?


What does the phrase 'change starts with us' mean to you, and can you provide a personal example?


Have you ever been part of a community endeavor that made significant changes, and what role did you play?


How can technological advancements be used to further the cause of global equality?


Do you think one person can initiate significant change in society, and can you give an example?


What does a society that prioritizes human welfare over individual gain look like to you?


How do you define fairness, and can a society truly achieve it?


What encourages you to take action on issues that affect you and your peers?


Can you recall a time when you felt true equality was achieved in a group setting, and what made that possible?


How would you propose to address the needs of the many without infringing on individual rights?


When have you experienced unity within a diverse group, and how did it change your perspective?


When you envision societal fairness, what elements are most crucial in achieving it?


Have you ever felt that a change in your community or school was necessary, and how would you initiate it?


What actions do you think could effectively bring together people from different backgrounds for a common cause?


When have you seen a group stand up against something they felt was wrong, and how did it impact you?


What kind of sacrifices are you willing to make for the greater good of your community?


Have you ever helped someone who was unfairly treated, and how did that make you feel?


How would you describe a fair leader, and have you met someone who fits this description?


What does true equality mean to you, and have you seen it in action?


Have you ever been part of a team where everyone's opinion was valued equally; how did that feel?


How would you fight for something you believe in within your school or community?


Have you ever had to work in a group where the leadership was questioned, and how did that impact the group’s progress?


How do you perceive the concept of opposition within a political party or movement, and is it more beneficial or detrimental?


What does 'workers' democracy' mean to you, and how might it differ from your nation's current system?


How do you think the ideal of 'workers of the world unite' could be realistically promoted in our current society?


Do you think an international consensus must be reached on social issues, or should each country navigate its own path?


What do you feel is necessary for a truly democratic society, and how might those principles come into conflict with the leadership in your country?


In a Trotskyist society, who do you think should lead the revolution, and why?


Would you support a worker's democracy in your current job or school, and why?


Do you think continuous revolution is a sustainable approach for political and social change?


Can you imagine a world without national borders; is global socialism desirable or attainable?